Phnom Kulen National Park – Kulen Mountain & Waterfall

Kulen Mountain, also known as Phnom Kulen, is a sacred and significant mountain range located in the Siem Reap Province of Cambodia.

Kulen Mountain is known for its natural beauty and lush landscapes. It is home to dense forests, waterfalls, rivers, and wildlife. The area is protected as Phnom Kulen National Park, ensuring the preservation of its natural environment.

Waterfalls: One of the main attractions on Kulen Mountain is the cascading waterfalls. The most famous is the “Linga Waterfall,” named after the phallic carvings (lingas) found in the riverbed. Visitors can swim in the refreshing pools or enjoy a picnic in the picturesque surroundings.

Kulen Mountain is dotted with several ancient temples and ruins that reflect its historical significance. The most notable is the “River of a Thousand Lingas,” a riverbed adorned with carved lingas, which holds religious significance for Hindus. There are also Buddhist shrines and pagodas to explore.

Kulen Mountain offers opportunities for trekking and hiking enthusiasts. You can embark on scenic trails through the forested areas, visit remote temples, and discover hidden waterfalls. The rugged terrain and natural beauty make it an ideal destination for outdoor adventure.

It is also a site where local people often gather to engage in religious ceremonies and rituals. Visitors may have the chance to witness traditional ceremonies or festivals that are held on the mountain, providing insights into Cambodian culture and spirituality.

Kulen Mountain is located approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Siem Reap, making it a popular day trip destination. Many tour operators offer guided tours that include transportation, visits to the waterfalls and temples, and opportunities to learn about the mountain’s significance.